Submit your poetry to the 2023 MURIEL’S JOURNEY POETRY PRIZE
What's Muriel's Journey all about? Find out here
First Prize $100
First Prize for a poem by a Vancouver Downtown Eastside (DTES) contributor $100
Second Prize $50
The Wild Card (Random) Prize $35 for a poem selected at random from the longlist of general entry poems
All winners and honourary mentions will be published in Fire In The Heart, the Muriel’s Journey Chapbook for 2023.
CRITERIA: Content: Should meet one or more of these criteria: Speak your mind and let the world know what you think, look at your subject in an unexpected way, take a risk in your composition, be frank and unreserved, change the world (or a tiny corner of it)! If the poem has good potential for being performed, all the better.
Why these criteria? Because that’s Muriel. She was not only a poet but a fabulous performer with a knack for unusual, wake-up-and-listen poetry performance.
Other criteria (not optional!):
• Open to Canadians or people living in Canada
• Length of the poem: 5 lines or more
• Up to 5 poems, with an overall length for all poems together not to exceed 100 lines
• Please send the poems in the body of the email. Start the email with your name and the title(s) of your poem(s). DO NOT MENTION YOUR NAME ANYWHERE ELSE. We will cut and paste your poem from the email so that we can judge your poems anonymously
• Include a bio not exceeding 100 words that must include
o The Indigenous territory/treaty you live on
o How you contribute to your community
• Format: Times Roman, 12 point
• Please do not attach any images. If an image is absolutely necessary for your poem, tell us in your email and we will arrange for safe transmittal of the image.
• The poem cannot be previously published, online or anywhere else
• If you submit your poem elsewhere and it gets accepted, it is important that you let us know right away.
• If you are part of or closely related to the committee or the judges, you are ineligible
• If you won a first prize in 2021 or 2022, you are ineligible
• If you live in or are otherwise an active participant in Vancouver’s DTES, please let us know
• DEADLINE: Extended to April 30, 2023
• Email your submission or any questions to
Our Facebook page is here
Connect with Isabella Mori, founder of Muriel's Journey Prize, on Twitter here
Here are some muses hard at work, just like you
